Book printing

The printing house "Wolf" offers the production of books in soft and hardcover, a variety of block finishing (rounding the spine with a folded fold), various possibilities for post-printing processing of the book - foil stamping, embossing, gilding or painting the edge, lasse. We can easily fulfill any whim of the publisher.

Most people associate book production with large publishing houses and circulation of many thousands. Indeed, this was the case just a few decades ago. But today anyone can make a book to order by contacting the Wolf printing house.

Production of books for various purposes

  • Advertising and image improvement. Books to order are an effective advertising and image tool. Have you been running a business for a long time and have achieved success? Tell us about your personal experience, defeats and victories, innovations and operating principles. Or perhaps your company has a rich history that readers would be interested in learning about. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the talent of a writer: you can always hire a professional to write the text.
    Printing books will also be useful for non-profit organizations: foundations, unions, political parties and others.
  • Science and education. The printing of books in small editions is often ordered by scientists who are writing a dissertation. After all, one of the conditions for obtaining a scientific degree is to publish a monograph (at least 300 pieces). In addition, university teachers create textbooks and manuals specifically for their students. And although these publications are usually published in electronic form, the university library also usually stores several printed copies.
  • Creativity. You don’t have to be a great poet, prose writer or playwright to order book printing. If you are not yet ready to contact professional book publishers, but want to share your own works with the world, you can publish a small edition for friends and relatives. And artists and photographers can prepare colorful portfolio albums with their drawings or photographs.

People often come to our printing house with a request to print a book as a gift. Of course, such an original gift in honor of a wedding, birthday, relationship anniversary will be remembered forever.

How to publish a book?

All that is required of you is a layout of the future publication with text and images . By the way, specialists from the Wolf Design exchange will be happy to help you layout the book. And to print the book, fill out a request on the website, write us a message or leave a phone number for a call back. Specify the desired parameters so that managers can calculate the cost of book publishing. We will deliver the finished order to any city in Ukraine!

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