
Printing on envelopes is a great way to stand out among the gray mass of any person’s correspondence, because a unique envelope perfectly emphasizes the high status of its sender. Despite the undoubted significance of your message, its text is far from the only factor determining the client’s attitude towards you. Moreover, the text of your letter is not the first thing your client will see.

Despite the development of digital technologies, envelope printing remains a popular service for companies.

Clerical work in a company is invariably associated with sending letters to clients, partners or government agencies. A detail such as envelopes with a logo speaks of the wealth and seriousness of your organization. If you care about creating a unified corporate style and improving your image, then making custom envelopes is a mandatory step. They can be used for the following purposes:

  • conducting business correspondence;
  • sending notifications, invitations and greeting cards;
  • sending documentation, price lists, promotional materials

Most often, envelopes are printed with logos, but other elements can also be applied to these products: mottos, slogans, patterns in corporate colors. And if the printing of branded envelopes is intended exclusively for personal mailing to consumers, you can make the design more vibrant and original. At the same time, remember that envelopes with a company logo directly influence the formation of opinions about your business.

Printing on postal envelopes: what the Wolf printing house offers

We print on Euro-format envelopes, which can accommodate an A4 sheet folded in three. Such a postal envelope is designated DL and has parameters of 22x11 cm. This is a generally accepted international format that is suitable for use in any enterprise.

A separate proposal is to print an envelope for travel agencies. So-called tour envelopes are convenient for storing all the documents you will need on your trip. For the client, this is a good way not to lose, wrinkle or stain anything, and for a travel company it is an opportunity to advertise its services. In addition, you can produce products of different colors, sizes and shapes, use paper or other material. In the case of tour envelopes, you are allowed to freely experiment with the design, making it unusual and memorable. By the way, the professionals of the Wolf Design exchange will be happy to help you develop a design.

Wolf printing guarantees prompt and high-quality printing on the envelope. For envelopes with a logo, the price depends on the circulation and the urgency of production. Fill out the form on the website, write to our managers or leave a request for a call back. After 1-3 days, your finished order will be waiting for you at a convenient address - at the nearest post office or at our warehouse in Kyiv.

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