Printing on bags

Eco bag: even on the way to buy groceries you can take care of nature and advertise

Have you heard that the progressive part of the world's population went to war with plastic bags? For some it has become a lifestyle, others are just trying to “be in trend”, but in any case, this became the impetus for the revival of one odious detail economy - reusable eco-friendly eco bags throughout Ukraine: in such cities like Kharkov, Dnieper, Kyiv and even small provincial towns. Perhaps some fashion trend for all things craft also played a role in this. Eco bags, and often with a print, today you can purchase it in an online store, with going to a regular store, you can make it to order in many workshops in Ukraine.

Avoska, your time has come! Again...

The prototype (recent, we won’t go too far) became well known to those who “early thirties”, fabric or woven from durable yarn ecological bags: “string bags” and “sacks”, which were always with you. Thanks to the design features, they seemed comfortable and, among other things, had proven strength.

Time passed, the chemical industry generously presented us with new materials with the prefix “poly-” and amazed the imagination with the variety of shapes and shades. A “bag-with-bags” settled in every house, and an island made of discarded plastic bags began to drift in the Pacific Ocean. It was here that we remembered that polyethylene decomposes completely to an organically recyclable level only through one and a half thousand years, and when burned it emits a lot of toxic aerosols.

And now in trend and even the same slightly awkward, but so environmentally friendly old friends of ours came out onto the “hot couture” catwalks. Their the common analogue is an ordinary eco-bag, which will surprise no one: there are plenty of them not only in Kyiv, the whole of Ukraine is already well acquainted with this accessory.

Practical for everyone

For those who don’t want to constantly buy new containers and then store them at home for a long time, this This option is very convenient, it also has other advantages:

  • Saves money. If you don't try to put a bag of potatoes in there, it may not last. one dozen cycles;
  • Easy to care for - you can wash it in a machine or by hand, and here it is almost new again thing;
  • Looks stylish - such an ecological bag can become part of a modern look, if you order it with a print according to the author's sketch.
  • But the image on the bags looks especially valuable in the eyes of advertisers. They have been active for a long time Eco-friendly bags with prints are used to convey advertising messages. The reasons for this are impressive list:
  • You can put a logo on a fabric eco bag (if the logo is recognizable - the company will grow), themed prints. Also, it can be an eco-bag with the symbols of the cities of Dnepr, Kharkov, Kiev, Lviv, Uzhgorod, etc. for tourists or event guests, and even a special offer - the order price is so low that this makes it an excellent souvenir and gift;
  • Possibility of use by retail chains - such a handbag with a store logo or supermarket will be very useful at the checkout, or as a nice gift for big check;
  • Like an excellent area for any other advertising - it is enough to place the desired message on the canvas (and the area there is comparable to a poster) and make the cost much lower, as households will willingly buy it, advertising you for free on the way to the market , to the store or even to a picnic, cottage, beach.

Printing on an eco-bag is possible even in Kyiv or Odessa - your order will be completed on time! Order eco-bags in our online store at the best price.

Our printing house will help turn your creative “bag” ideas into reality. So you will at the top of trends, and your message will be seen by hundreds and even thousands of people.

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