Plaques, Signs, Signposts

We will produce for you address, information and office signs on plastic with full-color printing, 3 mm thick, starting from 1 pc. You can order production in our online store by downloading the layout and paying for the order. Delivery can be arranged via Nova Poshta throughout Ukraine.

Plates, signs, signs: purpose and role

Various signs, signs, signs must perform informational, aesthetic and advertising functions. Information signs are usually used in offices, shopping centers, and government agencies. They are divided into two main groups - external and internal. External signs include signs posted on the façade of a building - usually at the entrance to a store, institution, or office. They must be noticeable, consistent with the corporate or delusional style, the inscription must be clear and understandable. Internal signs are needed for indoor navigation. In a shopping center, for example, they depict the locations of retail, entertainment, recreation and food areas. In an office building - they inform about the purpose of the office, work schedule, position and name of the employee. Additional information and warning functions are performed by electrical and fire safety signs, prohibition signs.

Materials for the production of plates and signs

At the Wolf Printing House you can make signs on white and transparent plastic. To produce plates on a white base, PVC 3 mm thick is used. Polyvinyl chloride is a popular and popular outdoor advertising material. Sheet PVC is a lightweight, flexible, wear-resistant plastic that retains its attractive appearance for a long time. Best suited for creating small advertising structures. The second type of plates is made on 3 mm transparent acrylic. It is also called organic glass. This material is transparent and transmits light perfectly. The inscriptions on it look expensive, stylish and laconic.

Ordering plates at the Wolf Printing House

To order a plate, sign or sign on the website, you should select the product dimensions on the page of the desired product . For signs, for example, width and length options range from 50 mm to 600 mm. The second step is to decide on the number of units and production time. The third is to download the layout. If you have a layout, Wolf Design Exchange specialists will help you create it.

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