Creating the right image is the primary task of an enterprise, company, business. Specially created departments develop advertising concepts for the active promotion of the company. Competent marketers have long understood the impact that beautifully placed visual information has on potential buyers and therefore actively use such an invention as the press-wall (brand wall). Bright, informative mobile design effectively attracts the attention of the target audience. This is why we so often see the press wall banner at events such as:
Colorful canvases of press wolves are also actively used as background compositions that create a special atmosphere. various kinds of anniversaries, holidays, weddings.
A press-wall stand is mobile, lightweight, reliable, easy to assemble design. The design of a press-wall is understood as a stand or, in other words, a frame made of a metal profile pipe with a presentable chrome coating. A banner is stretched over the frame, onto which the necessary information is printed. In order to quickly assemble the entire structure, the banner is equipped with eyelets - special holes reinforced with metal rings. The presence of eyelets allows you to attach vinyl banners to press wall frames.
Designs can be of different sizes and areas. The most popular brand walls are made with an area of 3 to 20 square meters, while their weight is small (15-20 kg).
The most important point in creating a presswall is design development. If you do not have a carefully designed layout, we will help you in this difficult matter. There is a service for you - the Wolf Design Design Exchange, whose designers will create the optimal layout in accordance with modern trends and taking into account your requirements. Wolf printing house will place all the information that the client orders on a portable brand wall that can be easily transported to the event site. Such a bright, carefully thought out banner, possibly illuminated by spotlights or an LED strip, will become:
Ordering a press wall (brand wall) is easy can be issued from Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Lvov, Kharkov, any city in Ukraine.
At the Wolf printing house, the whole of Ukraine (Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr) can order a press-wall (press, brand wall) on any topic, of various sizes and shapes. You will receive an optimal design with a banner printed using the latest thermal printing technologies within the agreed time frame. The production of the frame and the printing of the press-wall are carried out in Kyiv by qualified specialists using ultra-modern, highly functional equipment using complex technological processes.
You can order a press-wall by filling out a special form on our website. This form is for placing an order and calculating its cost. You can call us and we will answer all your questions. Rest assured, we have the best prices. Address delivery of orders to any region of Ukraine is carried out by the carrier Nova Poshta. You can also pick it up from the warehouse yourself.
By trusting the professionals of the Wolf printing house, you are guaranteed to get the desired result.