The use of cookies and similar technologies notice.

Our site uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure the best user experience by providing personalized information, memorizing marketing and product preferences, and helping to get the correct information. By using this site, you confirm your consent to use cookies in accordance with this notice to this type of files. If you do not agree that we use this type of files, then you must set the settings of your browser accordingly or do not use these sites.

What is a cookie and similar technologies?

Cookie is a small file, normally made up of letters and numbers. This file is downloaded into the memory of your computer, tablet or any other device, when you access the site. Cookies are widely used by the owners of the sites in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to gather the analytics.

We and our service suppliers can use on our sites different types of cookies:

  • Strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are necessary in order to make website work correctly, and due to them you can go around the site and use its features. These cookies don’t identify you as a person. If you don’t agree to use this type of cookies it may affect on the site or its components performance.
  • Cookies related to the performance, effectiveness and analytics. These cookies help us to understand how the users interact with our site providing information on the areas they have visited and amount of time they have spent on the site, as well as they detect problems with the site operation, f.e., error messages. This will help us to improve the site operation. Cookies related to analytics also help us to estimate the advertising campaigns effectiveness and optimize the content for those who are interested in our advertising. This type of cookies can’t be used to identify you. All gathered and analyzed information is anonymous.
  • Functionality cookies. These cookies are used to recognize users who return to our site. These cookies allow us to personalize the site content, greet you by name and remember your preferences. If you block this type of cookies it can affect to the site performance and functionality, and may limit the access to the site content.

How is other information gathered and used?

We and our service suppliers can use cookies for multiple purposes including to:

  • Ease for us and the third parties the getting information on your visits the site;
  • Process your orders;
  • Analyze the information on your visits the pages in order to improve our site;
  • Help you with getting necessary information;
  • Specify the number of visitors and their using the site in order to improve the site effectiveness and to understand better the audience interests.

How long are cookies stored on my device?

Some cookies last from the moment you entered the site till the end of the given session in browser. When close the browser these cookies become useless and are deleted automatically.

Some cookies are stored on the device between sessions in browser, and these cookies are not deleted after you close the browser. These are persistent cookies. The shelf life of persistent cookies on your device varies from cookie to cookie. We and other companies use persistent cookies for multiple purposes, f. e., in order to understand better how often you visit our sites or return to them, the changing in your manner of our sites using, as well as in order to estimate the advertising effectiveness.

Who places cookies on my device?

The sites administrators can place cookies on your device. These are first-party cookies. Some cookies can be placed on your device by other operators. These are third-party cookies.

We and the third parties may use cookies in order to find out when you visit our sites, how you interact with email, advertising and other content. On basis of cookies aggregated and other information can be gathered and used, and this information doesn’t relate to identification of individual users, f.e., information on the operational system, browser version and URL from which the user went to the this page, including from an email or an advertisement. Due to this we can provide you more opportunities and analyze the routes of the site visiting. This technology allows to count the number of users who visited a particular service by following the link from a specific banner outside of this site, by a text link or images included in the newsletter. Besides, this technology is a tool for gathering aggregated statistics on site using for the purpose of analytic research and helps us to optimize our sites, offer advertising according to your interests, as below.

How to manage cookies?

Most Internet browsers are initially set up to accept cookies automatically. You can choose settings in such a way that cookies are blocked or the user is warned when files of this type are sent to the device. There are some ways to manage cookies. Please, see the browser guide to find out more about the ways to adjust or change the browser settings. In you block the cookies we use it may affect your experience when you visit the site. If you use different devices to surf and access our site, f.e., computer, smartphone, tablet, etc., you should make sure that each browser on each device is set according to your cookie preferences.