
Since July 1 All-Ukraine network Wolf Printing House has used Vchasno E-document management service. It’s free for our company customers.

E-document management benefits:

  • Quickness. You should do just some clicks instead of dull paper work, and the documents are avaiabble when you log in on any computer.
  • Safety. Signed documents are encrypted and stored by Vchasno within 3 years, and the third parties, including Vchasno employees, don’t have an access to the documents.
  • Affordability. E-document management is free regardless of the number of incoming correspondence.
  • Legality.The service operates in full compliance with the Ukrainian legislation into force.

Detailed guide of interacting with this server is given.

Help. Vchasno online service is used to share and sign any significant documents. The service accepts all types of E-signature keys. The online service operating principle is absolutely clear and it requires no additional software. The ony thing you need to start E-document management is Internet connection.

Our managers will be happy to consult you: Contacts

How does E-document management work?
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