Important news: the Wolf Printing House office in Kharkov resumes offline work!

Important news: the Wolf Printing House office in Kharkov resumes offline work!


Printing house Wolf is offline again in Kharkov! Important announcement: the Wolf Printing House office in Kharkov is restoring its work offline! Dear friends! The long-awaited moment has arrived: our office in Kharkov is restoring its work! We are waiting for you with great joy and open arms! We have never stopped appreciating your support, and now that we can meet in person again, we feel especially grateful. You have always been and remain the heart of our activities. We invite you to come to our office and discuss all your urgent needs, ideas and projects. Our team is ready to provide you with professional help and advice. Address: Kharkov, st. Girshmana, 5. Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 - 19:00. For more details, call: +38 (057) 782 87 55. See you!

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