Thermal bag (Centrixx)

Thermal bag (Centrixx)

Thermal bag (Centrixx)

0 pcs

An indispensable assistant in the heat and heat

Everyone’s dream on a hot summer day, languishing on the beach under the scorching rays of the sun, sitting with a fishing rod near a pond or fighting weeds in the garden, is to take a sip of cold, life-giving moisture. A bottle of soft drink you bring with you heats up in a matter of minutes, and if you are far from civilization in the form of a refrigerator or freezer, the risk of dehydration is high. A thermal bag will come to the rescue in such a situation.

Made from special materials, the bag is able to maintain a stable temperature inside for some time, which is an order of magnitude lower than the ambient temperature. At the same time, the food or drinks inside do not heat up so quickly and retain their consumer properties. A thermal bag is indispensable for an outdoor picnic. Your favorite salad will not go to waste even in the hottest weather and will give you the opportunity to evaluate the culinary abilities of the hostess. The spacious volume will help you store food for a company of several people. A thermal bag is indispensable when traveling long distances. When returning home from the resort, you can put seafood delicacies in it without fear that they will spoil on the way.

Centrixx Thermal Bags

Made from high-quality polyester, the thermal bag will become an indispensable companion during a summer camping trip , on the beach. A large compartment allows you to place up to six cans of drinks, convenient pockets along the entire surface of the bag will keep money or other small items - matches, a lighter, a mobile phone. You can always quench your thirst with a Centrixx thermal bag.

One of the ways to successfully sell your brand or company’s products on the market is to present a thermal bag from the popular Chinese brand Centrixx at a presentation or other event. with your logo, purchased at an affordable price in the Wolf online store. An inscription or drawing applied to the surface using a silk screen will remind you of your company on hot summer days for many years.

If you haven’t decided on the layout, it doesn’t matter. You can order the development of a logo or a beautiful inscription at an affordable cost to the employees of the Wolf Design Exchange, who will provide an original design solution.

Wolf online store: terms of payment and delivery of goods

Buy a Centrixx thermal bag at You can buy from the Wolf online store at an affordable price by placing an order on the website or calling one of the numbers provided. In addition to the Centrixx thermal bag, the online store catalog offers to order other products at a reasonable cost, a full list of which you will find on the pages of

Products are sold for cash and cashless payments. You can pay for your purchase using the Privat24 banking system or Visa/MasterCard bank cards. Delivery is carried out by the postal carrier “Nova Poshta”. Delivery cost is according to established tariffs. Pickup of the order from the production site in Kyiv is also provided.

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silk screen
Manufacturer country
Shipping and Payment:
Warehouse pickup
At order readiness day. Wait for sms.
13, Ivana Vygovskogo str., Kyiv, Mo – Fr 9:00 – 19:00
Offices pickup
+ 1 day to terms. Wait for sms.
In Ukraine, Mo – Fr 9:00 – 19:00
Nova Poshta, pickup station
+ 1–2 day to terms. Delivery in Ukraine.
According to carrie company rates.
Nova Poshta, door-to-door
+ 1–2 day to terms. Delivery in Ukraine.
According to carrie company rates.
Payment through a bank for legal entities
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