Diary 'Print'

Diary 'Print'

Diary 'Print'

0 pcs

Tablet or diary - which is better?

Almost each of us today has a gadget with which we make calls, chat, receive and store information, plan working days, weeks, months. However, paper and pen continue to be the most reliable and faithful assistant. There are often cases when a newfangled smartphone or tablet breaks down after being slightly exposed to rain, taking with it into oblivion all the information that was stored in the device’s memory. In such cases, the old assistants come to the rescue - notepads, notebooks.

One of the most popular stationery products for analyzing and storing information has been and remains a diary. It got its name because of the ability to keep records and make notes depending on the day of the week. For convenience, the diaries are dated - the date, month, year and day of the week are indicated on each page. Dated diaries are convenient for planning events for the near future, usually within a calendar year.

Popular products of the printing house

Wolf printing house specializes in creating logos, drawings and inscriptions on the surface of objects made from various materials. If the customer does not have his own layout, the Wolf Design Exchange will help develop one. Designers from all over Ukraine are working to create for each client an exclusive and unique logo that will look stylish on any surface, making the trademark or brand popular.

Among the large number of souvenir products, the catalog of the Wolf online store offers to buy a “Print” diary at a competitive price as a stylish gift for a business person. The hard cover is made of high-quality leatherette, on the surface of which a logo, design, brand name or inscription can be embossed at the customer’s request. For ease of use, the pages contain dates, names of days of the week and months. The convenient page size of 145x205 mm allows you to accommodate not only the events planned for the day, but also other necessary information. A bookmark will allow you to quickly open the organizer on the desired page. A stylish diary of the Italian brand Lediberg TM with a company logo or brand name will be a good gift for a business partner or employees at a corporate event.

Wolf printing house online store: methods of delivery and payment for goods

Order The 'Print' diary in the Wolf online store is available at a reasonable cost by calling the phone number listed on the website; products are also sold through an online shopping cart. Payment for purchased products is made using the Privat24 banking system or in cash through the Privatbank terminal. Delivery is carried out by the postal carrier “Nova Poshta” to all cities of Ukraine. Delivery cost is according to the tariffs of the carrier company. The price of our products will not leave even the most thrifty buyer indifferent.
Manufacturer country
Lediberg TM
Shipping and Payment:
Warehouse pickup
At order readiness day. Wait for sms.
13, Ivana Vygovskogo str., Kyiv, Mo – Fr 9:00 – 19:00
Offices pickup
+ 1 day to terms. Wait for sms.
In Ukraine, Mo – Fr 9:00 – 19:00
Nova Poshta, pickup station
+ 1–2 day to terms. Delivery in Ukraine.
According to carrie company rates.
Nova Poshta, door-to-door
+ 1–2 day to terms. Delivery in Ukraine.
According to carrie company rates.
Payment through a bank for legal entities
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