Cup: Our father is Bandera, congratulations on Father's Day.

Cup: Our father is Bandera, congratulations on Father's Day.

Cup: Our father is Bandera, congratulations on Father's Day.

0 pcs

This cup is a symbol of your pride and devotion to your father, his values ​​and ideals. The souvenir reminds you that your dad is not just a father, but a worthy example of a Ukrainian who believes in justice, freedom and independence.

Shipping and Payment:
Warehouse pickup
At order readiness day. Wait for sms.
13, Ivana Vygovskogo str., Kyiv, Mo – Fr 9:00 – 19:00
Offices pickup
+ 1 day to terms. Wait for sms.
In Ukraine, Mo – Fr 9:00 – 19:00
Nova Poshta, pickup station
+ 1–2 day to terms. Delivery in Ukraine.
According to carrie company rates.
Nova Poshta, door-to-door
+ 1–2 day to terms. Delivery in Ukraine.
According to carrie company rates.
Payment through a bank for legal entities
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