Hardcover books

Hardcover books

Hardcover books

under construction

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Спасибо за терпение и чувство юмора! 🎉


Whether you are a writer, want to produce a book of your work, or represent a publishing company, we will print your book in hardcover or paperback, as desired.

Offset printing of books is the highest in quality and affordable. This is by far the most efficient method for printing large volume books and certainly the most cost effective. To order, contact the manager by clicking on the button below and select the region you are interested in. We carry out delivery throughout Ukraine, delivery in Kyiv is free.

Order a quote from the manager and find out the price of printing books!

Printing books

When it comes to printing books, many people imagine circulations of many thousands. But a book can be published in a small edition, or even in a single copy. Aspiring authors who do not work with large book publishers should use a printing service and publish 100 to 300 copies to study reader demand. Publishing monographs and other scientific works also does not require large circulations. It is common to print brochures for advertising purposes and to promote companies, political parties, and various foundations. You can publish several copies as a gift for people especially dear to you. Book products can be hard or soft bound.

Calculator for printing hardcover books

Editions with hard covers have a more presentable appearance, have a long service life and ensure the safety of the text. To make a book look perfect, you need to first design the pictures, text and cover. The staff of the Wolf Design Design Exchange will help you lay out the layout of the book or select a layout for the cover. To preliminarily estimate the cost of services, use the printing cost calculator on the Wolf printing house website. Having indicated the format and quality of the paper of the book block and cover, choosing what kind of printing you need - color or black and white, having decided on the number of pages and circulation, order a cost estimate. An important component is the method of bonding:

  • thermobinder - cheaper, dries quickly, non-toxic, but also has certain disadvantages. A book fastened with such glue cannot be rotated 180 degrees; it does not withstand high and low temperatures;
  • pur-glue is elastic, allows you to open the publication 180 degrees, and is resistant to temperature changes. The disadvantages include the duration of polymerization, the high price, especially for small editions.

It should be remembered that the circulation also affects the cost of one book. The larger it is, the cheaper a single copy will be.

Place an order at the Wolf printing house

After you familiarize yourself with the price of printing hardcover books, you can place an order by providing layouts for the cover and layout of the pages of the book block. Qualified specialists of the Wolf printing house will complete the work within the specified time frame. Thanks to the use of modern equipment, high quality of the publication is guaranteed.

Shipping and Payment:
Warehouse pickup
At order readiness day. Wait for sms.
13, Ivana Vygovskogo str., Kyiv, Mo – Fr 9:00 – 19:00
Offices pickup
+ 1 day to terms. Wait for sms.
In Ukraine, Mo – Fr 9:00 – 19:00
Nova Poshta, pickup station
+ 1–2 day to terms. Delivery in Ukraine.
According to carrie company rates.
Nova Poshta, door-to-door
+ 1–2 day to terms. Delivery in Ukraine.
According to carrie company rates.
Payment through a bank for legal entities
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