Kraft bag with handles, brown (32x42x15)

Kraft bag with handles, brown (32x42x15)
Description and Characteristics:
Number of sides
One side printing
Kraft brown

Craft bags with a custom logo are an excellent medium for advertising, contacts of your company and popularization of the logo. By choosing a brown craft bag 32x38x15, you get a fairly durable package, lightweight and completely biodegradable. Twisted handles are easy to use and provide the ability to carry heavy items in the bag.

At the WOLF printing house you can order brown craft bags 32x42x15 of different sizes. This option is 32 cm in length, 38 cm in height and 15 cm in depth (bottom width).

With us you can print on craft bags 32x42x15 on a brown background, and also place your logo. Please note that the image must be in vector format and consist of 100% solid colors (no gradients or halftones). All that remains is to decide on the edition of the custom craft bag, send us your design and expect prompt delivery from WOLF.

If your company supports the environmental trend, using this type of bag will be a great idea. You can also write in a footnote on each of your branded craft bags that it is biodegradable and does not harm the environment.

By placing advertising of your company on a bag made of quality material, you create an excellent marketing product. Kraft bags 32x42x15 with a logo will help popularize and promote your business.

Shipping and Payment:
Warehouse pickup
At order readiness day. Wait for sms.
13, Ivana Vygovskogo str., Kyiv, Mo – Fr 9:00 – 19:00
Offices pickup
+ 1 day to terms. Wait for sms.
In Ukraine, Mo – Fr 9:00 – 19:00
Nova Poshta, pickup station
+ 1–2 day to terms. Delivery in Ukraine.
According to carrie company rates.
Nova Poshta, door-to-door
+ 1–2 day to terms. Delivery in Ukraine.
According to carrie company rates.
Payment through a bank for legal entities

Kraft bag with handles, brown (32x42x15)

17 грн

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