Print+ Magazine No. 9(153)

Print+ Magazine No. 9(153)

Print+ Magazine No. 9(153)

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Will the printing industry of Ukraine repeat the experience of the closest to us and quite related printing market of Poland, where today the market volume is $9.9 billion, and Poland is in 7th place in Europe in terms of printing exports.

Answer to this The participants of the International Pacaging Conference in Lviv tried to find the question, a detailed report about which was posted in Print+ No. 9 for 2018.

There are about 9,400 printing houses in the neighboring state, about 50 thousand people or a fifth work in the printing industry from all specialists involved in printing in Eastern Europe.

The magazine also contains other interesting materials - for example, an article about the Drukar Roku competition, which was held this year for the first time. The editors recall the bright exhibition events of the fall - the Rex and BookForum exhibitions, analyze the prospects for the textile printing industry and the future of the packaging segment. The magazine also examines the future of the printing industry in developing countries.

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