Secrets of advertising hangers

Secrets of advertising hangers


Almost all companies are constantly looking for new and inexpensive advertising. Hangers are one of the most targeted and effective methods that have not yet become familiar or boring to clients, such as, for example, leaflets near the metro. They work well in a small radius around the advertised object. In order for hengers to “work” best, you need to know a few tricks, which we will tell you about now.

Clearly and concisely

You must remember that a potential client will definitely take your hanger in his hands at least once when he shoots him from the handle of your door. You will have no more than a couple of seconds to convey the main information to him. After this, most likely, the hanger will be put aside or thrown away. Your task is to inform the client about a service, product or special offer in just a few words. For example: electrician services, a new pizzeria, a discount for the bearer of henger.

Based on this, you need to use an attractive design, bright colors, and large font. The advertising message must consist of no more than five words. It will be great if you can rhyme them or add a touch of humor.

Create a really profitable offer

Let's be honest: a discount of 10% or less will not interest the client very much. But when you order two pizzas, getting the third one for free is always pleasant and significant. Force customers to bring hangers to confirm the discount. Then you will know how effective the advertising was, as well as which areas were most interested in your advertising.

Clear images

Pictures and photographs are a key way to convey to the client the information that you suggest, since more than 80% of information is perceived by a person through the senses of vision. It is important that the picture conveys the main message to the client in a simple and clear way. There is no need for anything complicated, allegories or allusions.

Let's say, if you have a cafe, take a photo of a set table with a set of dishes, write the price or percentage of the discount. Your task is to attract attention, to force people to study your advertising more carefully. Leave the details for the back side.

Build a recognizable brand

People are skeptical about everything new. To increase the number of hangers that are read rather than discarded, you should make them recognizable. So that the client can see from afar that new profitable offers have arrived from your establishment.

First you need to choose a set of corporate colors and strictly adhere to them. It is also worth developing a simple logo with large elements, visible from a great distance. Well, the main thing is reputation. Set a goal to build a long-term relationship with the client and gain his trust.

Call to action

It is necessary to clearly state what you expect from the client. Come, visit, take advantage of the discount. This way you make it clear what actions the reader needs to take. Take care of limited time too. Create conditions so that the client rushes to your store or cafe, fearing that someone else will take advantage of the offer.

Quality execution

Be sure to order a print from a high-quality and reliable artist, check the resolution drawings and proper preparation of the layout. Use custom finishes such as lamination or spot varnish, good quality paper. All this will help create the image of a reputable company.

So, hangers are a great way to tell your neighbors about yourself. They help to form a loyal attitude towards the brand among the client, increase the attendance of your establishment significantly, without impacting the budget. The main thing is to develop a truly profitable offer, take a creative approach to the design and print it with high quality.