Виниловые магниты: Layouts requirements

Video on layouts creating

Hybrid in Illustrator
How to create hybrid spot vanish in Adobe Illustrator
Hybrid in Photoshop
How to create hybrid spot vanish in Adobe Photoshop

Quality control
Video shows how to find out that the layout is created correctly

  A ready-made layout is a fully prepared for printing file, what requires no content editing, as well as prepress.  

We accept the files of three types: raster (TIFF, JPEG) and vector (PDF). Product with hybrid spot vanish is accepted only in PDF format.


  1. The colors you see on your computer screen may vary slightly from actual product color. So if you need accurate color reproduction, contact a manager for ordering color proofing;
  2. File size cannot be more than 50 MB;
  3. CMYK color model;
  4. JPEG files: don’t compress;
  5. TIFF files: merge all layers in one, when saving, choose ZIP or LZW compression;
  6. PDF files: all fonts should be embedded in PDF;
  7. The file resolution should be 300 dpi for common orders and 200 dpi for large-format printing;
  8. The layout shouldn’t contain the crop marks, stamps, creases marks and any other nonprintable characters.

Attention!The result of not meeting the requirements can be unexpected and often unpleasant…