What office supplies might a freelancer need?

What office supplies might a freelancer need?


Office supplies are necessary even for those people who work remotely from home. Stationery supplies help organize your workplace, get you in the mood for the production process, and simply lift your spirits. If you are thinking about switching to freelancing, it's time to buy some nice new items.


A paper diary is a very useful thing for recording a to-do list, distributing and recording the time spent on each task, and reminding of deadlines. It will be useful for people in creative professions to have a small version of a diary on hand to write down ideas that suddenly appear.


An everyday item that is worth paying more attention to is a pen. You can limit yourself to an inexpensive option, or you can choose a beautiful status product that will be a pleasure to use every day. Colored pens and markers


Colored pens and markers are great for organizing notes, highlighting the most important things, and marking mistakes. Stickers can also be useful for the same purposes.

Office paper

In the process of work, you will definitely need a printer. No matter how much you try to get away from paper prints, relying only on electronic media is not always convenient. For example, you may need to print out a technical specification, layout or text for editing, make copies of documents for government agencies, or show the results of work to the client.

Paper for stickers

If the work involves sending postal letters , you will need special paper for printing labels on envelopes. Also, self-adhesive labels of various formats can be used to personalize your products or packaging.

Boxes for storage

It is very convenient if all things related to a specific project are stored in one place. The easiest way to organize space is with special boxes or folders. This way you won’t have to deal with the fact that papers are scattered throughout the house.


A neat desktop promotes better concentration: if everything is put in its place, then there are fewer distractions. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on an organizer with compartments for small things that should always be at hand, for example, pens, markers, staplers, paper clips or buttons. With this solution, you will save not only space, but also time searching for the right product.

Speakers or headphones

Many people are inspired by music. If you are one of them, stock up on high-quality playback devices in advance. Working on projects for hours in silence can be challenging. In addition, it is easier to concentrate and not be distracted by external noise.


Coffee breaks with colleagues in the office are an important part of the working day. When working as a freelancer, you can maintain the tradition of taking a break from time to time to switch thoughts or, on the contrary, concentrate.


Hanging shelves allow you to keep under professional literature with your hand, without taking up space on your desktop. You can also store necessary documents there to save space.

Bright calendar

If you are looking for some cute item to decorate your workplace, a calendar can be a great solution. You can order a personalized product, print photos of loved ones and highlight important dates that you shouldn’t forget.

Comfortable chair

A very important thing for specialists who spend a lot of time at the computer. Helps maintain good posture and a healthy back, and reduces fatigue. Various supports for feet, elbows or hands can also be useful.

So, organizing a home office is quite simple. It is worth stocking up in advance on the necessary little things that will help create a working mood and make work pleasant and comfortable.