Paper production waste - to save the soil.

Paper production waste - to save the soil.


Every year, more and more of the earth's surface becomes unsuitable for human life. Ever-increasing deserts and oceans, soil erosion - all these factors contribute to the reduction of fertile lands. There are many reasons for this, and irresponsible human economic activity played not the least role in this negative process. However, recently people have begun to actively develop and implement technologies that can correct the mistakes made.

Chinese scientists have developed a drug that allows you to reclaim land, strengthen sandy soil, and fight desertification, which is especially important for China. The new chemical is obtained from waste, or rather waste liquid, generated during the paper making process. This product not only reclaims the soil and increases the organic content of the sand, but also retains moisture in the soil, resists erosion, and, of course, reduces pollution and waste.