Getting ready for the exhibition: about exhibition printing and more

Getting ready for the exhibition: about exhibition printing and more


We are always interested in ensuring that our printing is truly a tool for you to promote your business. Therefore, do not be surprised if the manager accepting the order suddenly asks you, how do you want to use the printing you order from us? We have ready-made solutions that increase the efficiency of obtaining results from a particular printing tool. And we are ready to share them. So.

Is there an exhibition coming soon?

Exhibition stand? What else is needed for the exhibition?

Souvenirs and printing for the exhibition, what and how to use?

Having quite a lot of experience in preparing for and participating in exhibitions, please allow give you some recommendations for competent preparation and planning of participation in the exhibition using my own example.

“Every new year, my friends and I go to the bathhouse” - remember the catchphrase?

< p>So here we are, three or four times a year we go to our specialized exhibitions.

The first thing to consider in preparing for the exhibition is the timing of its holding. You shouldn’t delay until the last minute, and expect that you will have everything in 1-2 days, I can say for sure - it won’t, and it will all end with you handing out leaflets printed on a risograph. Do not want? That's right, considering that you are already reading this article, you are preoccupied with the upcoming exhibition, and this will not happen to you. So, let's go through the points of preparatory work:

Choosing the placement of a stand in the exhibition hall, I will say right away, I choose a stand with as many open walls as possible, i.e. angular. The location of the stand is fundamentally in the central row, or in the auxiliary one, the main thing is that it is not the outskirts of the universe. The longer your stand is on the open side, the better, you will have the opportunity to place a large amount of information, but more on that later. On each exhibition plan you can clearly estimate how your potential clients will move; the more of them there are, the better.

The appearance of the stand and its design. The place for the stand has been chosen, it’s time to decide who will build it: you yourself or the developers. If you plan to build the stand yourself, expect right away that you will be required to have a developer’s license (a rather serious problem, but, as a rule, a problem that can be solved by official or secret means of money). If the stand is not very large (up to 20 sq. m), it is quite possible to build it yourself. But expect that you will be responsible for the delivery of structures, unloading, approval of the plan from firefighters, electricians, construction accreditation, etc. And yet, we suggest not experimenting, unless, of course, you are the owner of some wonderful PopUp design. Ordering a stand from a developer goes through the following stages: selection of the type of structure, preliminary design, construction.