How to keep your business afloat. Inexpensive Marketing Tools for Small Businesses

How to keep your business afloat. Inexpensive Marketing Tools for Small Businesses


Often, small businesses do not have large resources to invest in marketing. Therefore, the opportunity to promote your services economically and at the same time effectively becomes relevant. We offer several strategies that can help with this. However, you need to understand that any strategy is not a magic pill that will immediately bring a lot of profit. You will be able to convey the value of the business to the target audience. But the ultimate success will depend on your customers, how old they are, where they live, where they spend their time and many other factors influencing purchasing decisions.

Social networks

< p>The importance of using social networks for business is not even discussed. 67% of customers look for customer support through social networks, 33% prefer these media instead of the telephone. Active and interesting pages, viral materials - that’s what everyone needs.

Paid advertising on Facebook can become especially relevant. It's inexpensive and effective and works with almost any audience. Advertising allows you to target your ad to specific people based on their location, interests, age, gender, and online behavior. Creating such an ad is quite easy. You will need a title, text, link and image. Changing ads is also easy, so you can experiment and find a winning formula.

Advertising on Instagram will be useful for businesses that have a lot of visual content (say, manufacturers of clothing, confectionery, toys). Here you can also target content and post a large number of photos that help in sales.

Google My Business

Ranking in Google My Business is a powerful thing that a business requires, especially if it is targeting local audience. In the search query results, the first places will be paid advertising and pages of this platform, which will show the location of your business, work schedule and customer reviews.

Google Adwords

Every second Google receives more than 40 thousand requests. Therefore, getting into the first search results (even if for money) is very promising. The admin panel contains many convenient tools to track traffic and user behavior on your site.

Content marketing

This strategy will not bring such quick results as the previous one. But almost 20% of marketers are confident that it will have a significant impact on business. We are talking about creating interesting content (blog, podcast with video or audio materials, online courses) and posting it on the appropriate pages. Important conditions: the content must be high-quality, interesting, optimized for SEO and for readers.

Email newsletters

Ultra-popular strategy. Many people who come to your site do not buy immediately. Getting their contact to remind you of yourself is a great form of promotion. Electronic mailings are inexpensive, can be used everywhere, and are simply automated.

Webinars and free consultations

If you are trusted as an expert, then they will want to purchase goods or services from you. For this reason, it is worth sharing experience and knowledge as much as possible through various resources. These could be webinars, seminars or personal consultations.

Inexpensive handouts

As effective as digital resources are, print advertising is also essential. It appeals not only to visual, but also tactile emotions and evokes more trust. The required package includes impressive business cards, flyers printed in large quantities for distribution in public places, booklets and brochures with detailed information about your offer.

Advertising in niche media

Such advertising allows you to clearly target a specific audience living in a particular area or interested in a particular topic.

Direct mail

Fewer companies use such mailings than electronic mailings. Therefore, you have a better chance of standing out. Especially if you think about the content of the mail, use stylish stamped envelopes, beautiful postcards or souvenirs. Recipients will definitely pay attention to such letters.

Of course, each business has its own specifics and places where you should “look” for clients. However, the proposed solutions are quite universal, will suit the majority and will work fairly quickly. Why not try it?