Printed products to encourage repeat sales

Printed products to encourage repeat sales


Repeat sales are critical to the long-term success of many types of businesses. The golden scheme, when 80% of the profit comes from 20% of customers. Paying attention to retaining existing customers can increase profits by up to 95%. Try to use printed materials in building loyalty.

Bonus or discount cards

Various loyalty programs are great for stimulating repeat sales. For example, you can print a card and offer some kind of bonus or discount to a customer who has made 10 purchases in the last six months. Leave a stamp on the card each time to see your progress. Such involvement increases the user's desire to purchase in order to win.


Printed postcards with special VIP offers for existing customers provide an opportunity to attract additional attention. You can also send out seasonal catalogs with a discount coupon.

In addition, it is worth sending postcards without direct advertising. For example, congratulate the customer on their holiday or thank them for existing. A personalized approach increases customer loyalty and, ultimately, people will choose to do business with you rather than with competitors.

Investment in packages

If your main business is e-commerce or catalogue sales, it is worth printing additional materials in order to include them in any package. This is a great way to present new products that might interest your audience. To attract attention for sure, offer an exclusive discount on them.

Flyers in retail chains

Just as in the case of remote sales, when shopping in retail chains it is necessary to “supply” customers with additional information about your brand. Include flyers in every package. This could be discount coupons, information about interesting offers.

Also you can use flyers as an opportunity to ask your audience to subscribe to newsletters or your pages on social networks - you will have significantly more more opportunities for communication.

Booklets and brochures

If you prepare the content correctly, making it valuable for customers, printed booklets and Brochureswill be an excellent marketing tool. Try to develop some interesting guides, recipe books or plugins. Add information about your products or services and illustrate how they can help.

Fridge Magnets

Place your advertising message right in front of the buyer's eyes. Advertising magnets will help you do this. Print seasonal offers, menus and contact information on them.

Takeaway Menu

If you are involved in catering, Print menus that customers can take away and look carefully. Small catalogs of interesting offers will also be relevant for other businesses - for example, retail stores or beauty salons.

It also makes sense to send similar products by mail. All the same discount coupons have a great effect on recurring orders.


Calendars are in front of your eyes clients all year round. You can take them to the next level by printing special offers for each month. It is important to make a beautiful design that attracts the audience - then people are guaranteed to put them in a prominent place in the office or home.

Corporate newspapers

Print and send out bulletins regularly latest news and other useful and relevant information. This way you will form the image of a reliable professional brand. Also, whenever possible, include real customer stories and tell how your services helped them.

So, printed marketing materials are a powerful way to increase repeat sales, brand awareness and loyalty customers to him. It is important to remember that your audience receives a huge amount of printed materials every day, so you need to make sure that your products stand out with an interesting design and excellent execution.