5 “typing mistakes” of a new entrepreneur that can harm your business

5 “typing mistakes” of a new entrepreneur that can harm your business


Promotion of a product, brand, or company is impossible without printed advertising or information materials. However, the use of printed products for promotion at the initial stage of building a company does not always give the desired results. Let's look at the most common mistakes of a “young” business when the need or desire comes to seek a service from a printing house.

Mistake No. 1 - refusing printing services altogether

Today, IT technologies dictate new laws - the entire business is concerned about setting up SMM, targeting, contextual advertising, and so on. Life online, no matter how trivial it may sound, means contact and communication with people. The same function is assigned to printed products, only off-line. The difference is one thing - you can only see an online advertising banner, but you can pick up a flyer, business card, brochure, leaflet, bring it home, to the office, etc. The fact remains: printed products are a tool for business development; they really help convey information about yourself and the product to consumers.

Error No. 2 - choosing the wrong product format, that is, one that does not pay off

The specifics of each business, be it manufacturing, retail or service provision, determine the types and forms of printing materials to promote the company and, accordingly, increase profits. You can try different formats yourself and analyze whether investments in advertising products bring profits. A more effective option is to turn to specialists who, for many years, day after day, have been developing and printing any paper and other advertising media, from business cards to glossy magazines.

Error No. 3 - a false idea that a business card, poster or packaging will not surprise or interest anyone

Today, the success of an enterprise is equated not only to profitability indicators, but also to positioning itself in the market among competitors. An example of this is the strategically important printing inclusion of the small KES brand. Buyers buy not just high-quality, handmade knitted items. They receive the product in such a package that, even without seeing the item, the client is already touched and fascinated by the purchase.

Technologies in the printing industry are developing at tremendous speed. Today, the totality of services, opportunities, as well as advanced methods for creating original printed products is significant.

Error No. 4 - design like many players on the market

It is he who works for a competitive advantage and to ensure that a potential client pays attention to the product and remembers it. Finding a good designer who understands the client’s needs and focuses on the target audience is difficult. One designer and one project to make a decision is not enough. And the exchange of designers and dozens of ideas are a salvation for a novice entrepreneur.

Mistake No. 5 - the belief of a young business in the myth about the expensive cost of printing services

The price of production scares off only those who have never encountered orders for printed products. The times of exorbitant price tags have sunk into oblivion, but the memory of them is still alive.

One of the main tasks of custom printing at the moment is to reduce the cost of manufactured products as much as possible. Printing houses are working to reduce the costs of the production process without losing quality. For example, the use of prefabricated circulations. With this type of printing, several orders are completed on one printed sheet: quality is maintained, and the cost of work and consumables falls.