When it comes to creating a big business, it is important to use all means to promote it. Given the fact that more and more people prefer to find goods and services on the Internet, in order to discover new brands, you need to maintain a good image both offline and online.
As practice shows, more than 40% of consumers want see a unified brand style on the website, social network, and retail points of sale. And it’s not surprising, because this builds customer trust in the brand and casts aside all doubts about the quality of the products.
Start working on your company’s image right now, and our simple and useful recommendations will help you in this difficult task.
Standardize design elements
The main elements of a brand's style include such important details as a logo, color palette, and font. Once you've decided on each option, make sure they can be used in different places: on your business card, website, or profile social networks. It's no secret that all marketing materials, both online and offline, should complement each other and be closely related to each other.
If you already have pre-made materials, use them as a guide when creating new ones. For example, use the same text style on your website as in your brochure. Add similar images, inscriptions, logos. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here, as clients prefer aesthetics and consistency in marketing. Believe me, this immediately inspires confidence in the brand and creates a positive attitude towards the business even at the initial stages of its development.
Define your tone
Another way to create a complete picture of the company is to choose your own tone of communication with clients. Depending on your industry, your brand voice can be formal and business-like, or friendly and familiar.
Once you've settled on the one that works best for you, use it in every communication you have with customers. Advertising presentations, e-mails, and thank-you letters should be consistent with the company's signature style, which can be recognized from hundreds of others.
To maintain interest and recognition from the public, try using light humor, good news, and real-life stories. This will also help you quickly establish contacts with new consumers and build trusting partnerships.
Duplicate your own content
Representing any information not only ensures consistency in your marketing materials, but also saves significant time! If you have a website with “About Us” and “Contact Us” sections, use this information in other company advertising sources.
Add text and photos from web pages to your brochures, leaflets and even business cards. Repetition is the key to recognition, because who knows where a potential client will find information about your brand.
There is no reason why images and slogans on city posters are prohibited from appearing on Facebook or Instagram business pages. Just rephrase the headline and you will receive an updated version of your advertising material for other social platforms.
By coordinating the information in all profiles and company promotion channels, you can help the target audience recognize you faster and distinguish you from unscrupulous scammers who copy open data .
Select platforms and time
< p>Finally, to build brand authority, try to figure out where your audience is most active: on the website, email, social media or offline store? Once you've determined where customers go most often, be sure to communicate with them regularly and offer interesting new products.
For social media, commit to sending messages at specific times and days of the week. This way, people will know about upcoming announcements in advance and will be more likely to share valuable information with others.
The same applies to other tasks: email newsletters, news on the website and even promotional offers. By working to a clear schedule, you will meet public expectations and your business will always be on top!