About Olivier, iPhone and color rendering

About Olivier, iPhone and color rendering


#Olivier #iPhone #colorrendition

About Olivier

Do you remember the taste of this salad? This taste of New Year from childhood? Wonderful.

Have you tried this salad made by, say, your wife? Or neighbors? Or the nearest cafe? For some reason, it seems to me that these salads will taste different.

Well, different... different shades of flavors. And it’s not even a question of how you know what kind of Olivier your neighbor is preparing? The fact is that this will be a salad with a different taste.

This is probably due to the fact that everyone’s sausage is different. And cucumbers. And mayonnaise. Some people cut them into small pieces, others into larger ones.

And even if we take the same products, the tastes will still be different. Because someone will put more cucumbers. And some - sausages.

Question: does this stop Olivier from being Olivier? No, it won’t stop.

About the iPhone

For more modern audiences who missed the New Year and Olivier, I’ll give another example.

We take iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and iPhone 7. On all three phones we open the same picture... and what do we see? But the picture is different...

Yes. It will be different. Different in shades and halftones.

Question: why is this so? After all, this is not some Samsung or, God forbid, Xiaomi! This is a real Apple. Real Apple, Carl! Let it be assembled in the same China as Xiaomi, but...

A new iPhone will be released soon. And you can’t know exactly what color rendering will be on the new model. And most importantly, it will be different from all previous models of this smartphone...

When we look at reviews of mobile phones on YouTube, we see the following picture: there is a comparison of color rendition with the latest iPhone model. But no one points out that from model to model the iPhone itself shows the same picture differently...

About color rendering

In Christianity it is generally accepted that Jesus Christ explained with examples - so that people could understand it more clearly. And the Bible itself is written in the same vein. Another thing is that people, due to their narrow-mindedness, took everything at face value, which is why there were some incidents... For example, the Bible says that the Sun revolves around the Earth. And if you start to figure it out, you can stumble upon this thing: “The sun rises, and the sun sets and hurries to the place where it will rise again.” And as if, everything seemed to be fine, but with Giordano Bruno it somehow turned out awkward...

What is all this for? Let's draw analogies.

Paint manufacturers, application methods, humidity, paper whiteness - all this is different.

A logical question arises: what color should your business card be?

Believe me, it’s not the same as you see it on your screen. Because we change the brightness of the screen and... everything, the shades are different. Your monitor shows approx. Your smartphone also shows approximately.

Only a specially calibrated monitor can display the true state of affairs. Or a color proof.

Therefore, Olivier salad remains Olivier salad even at the neighbor’s, and the iPhone was created so that the user would like the picture and not correspond to reality.

Because everything is subjective.

However, there is a way out. The name of this output is European Standard ISO 12647-2. So he regulates: how should it be? It is this standard that will show whether the colors are rendered correctly.

But you may not like it. Because there is “right”, and there is “how you want”. And we are working correctly.

Thank you for your attention,
Sergey Shulaev.