Marketing Secrets: All About Flyers

Marketing Secrets: All About Flyers


An advertising leaflet, also known as a flyer, is a type of advertising handout, which is a printed product of a relatively small size (usually A6), produced mainly in large quantities, and made on high-quality paper with varnishing.

< p>The main features of the flyer are conciseness, catchiness and attractive appearance. The text of such advertising products should be brief, not complicated by heavy verbal structures. The main purpose of the leaflet is to provide information about positive changes in the manufacturer's activities, such as promotions, discounts, opening new branches, etc.

In order to achieve the effectiveness of the leaflet, it is necessary to follow certain rules for its preparation. In addition to the brevity of the text content, the leaflet should be colorful and attract attention. In addition, it is desirable to achieve the effect of the value of this product for the buyer, the desire to keep the leaflet, which is quite achievable if it contains some zest, some information necessary for a potential client.