Terminology used in advertising, marketing and PR strategies

Terminology used in advertising, marketing and PR strategies


The meaning of some terms used in advertising printing:

Audience - potential clients at whom the impact of the advertising medium is directed.

Billboard - a large format information board used in outdoor advertising.

Brand is a set of easily recognizable information about a company, product or group of products.

Booklet is a printed advertising medium used as handouts.

Wobbler is an advertising medium on a movable basis that attracts attention by swaying.

Direct mail - (English direct mail - direct mail) - directed advertising, carried out by mail or by courier delivery.

Isography - an advertising artistic technique, accurate reproduction of photographs from original letters, handwriting, etc.

Embossing - a method of relief embossing of an advertising product , giving volume to the image.

Lightbox - a medium-sized advertising board using backlighting, used in outdoor advertising.

Offset - (from the English. off set - shift from installation) is a printing method characterized by the transfer of an image from a form to a material indirectly through an offset cylinder.