Outdated printed materials are really expensive

Outdated printed materials are really expensive


How long have you printed new business cards, brochures, booklets and other marketing materials? If several years have passed since the last printing and the products are out of date, this can significantly affect sales. If you don't regularly review your design and update information, you risk losing to competitors who care more about quality presentation. Such savings on printing are very expensive.

Outdated design repels customers

People respond better to fresh, interesting designs. And your company will have the image of a modern enterprise that offers relevant solutions to current problems. An outdated design, on the contrary, tells the customer that you are stuck in the past. The unattractive appearance of a printed product will turn off the buyer, and he will not read it.

Revise the design of all materials and convince clients that you are tracking all trends.

Stable branding

It is also very important to pay attention to branding elements. Perhaps your corporate colors or logo have changed, a new slogan has been added - all updates must be reflected both in electronic media and in printed materials, otherwise brand recognition will fall.

Inaccurate information causes confusion

< p>Older brochures may contain information about services that you no longer provide. Old business cards have outdated phone numbers or addresses. booklets contain information about special offers that are no longer relevant. In each of these cases, customers will be disappointed.

Do not lose customers, update materials as soon as there is a reason to add or change the information present there.

Correct contacts

Most people remember that on business cards you must print your phone numberand email address. However, modern audiences often prefer other means of communication.

Faxes are a thing of the past, but accounts on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, and various instant messengers are coming. It is necessary to follow this “fashion” and do everything possible to make the dialogue with you as easy as possible for the user.

Poor quality paper makes a bad impression

Tactile sensations greatly influence the perception of advertising. Old paper appears duller and becomes damaged more quickly. If a client picks up a product that crumbles right before his eyes, he will think the same about your company.

Explore the possibilities of printing, use modern materials with beautiful texture for printing. This way you will get original products that will evoke positive emotions in the audience, attract attention and be remembered. Printing finishing, for example, relief varnishing, will also help to enhance tactile sensations.

Old marketing strategies do not attract new customers

The market is constantly changing, and marketing strategies change along with it. Different generations of customers react differently to communication channels. If you want to stay relevant and continue to grow your business, focus on your existing customer base and figure out how to attract new ones. Determine what motivates the modern public to make purchasing decisions, and how this can be influenced.

Competitors don't sleep

You're not the only one looking for ways to attract customers—your competitors are doing the same thing. And if they care more about new printed materials than you do, you will lose an important battle. A competent presentation - all other things being equal - can be decisive in choosing a supplier or contractor.

So, don't let outdated materials hurt your sales numbers. Evaluate all marketing output and decide what needs to be changed. Sometimes all you need to do is add a little new typography or images and your products will look completely different.