On December 3, in the Sofievsky Grand Hall of the Premier Palace Hotel, in partnership with the Wolf group of companies, one of the most important events in the advertising market of Ukraine took place - the International Conference on the Effectiveness of Advertising and Marketing Communications “Effie. Ideas that worked" and the ceremony of awarding the winners of the Effie Awards 2010.
This year a record number of applications were submitted for participation in the Effie Awards Ukraine - 82 (last year 53 works were submitted, in 2008 - 63 campaigns). It seems that for the first time in the five years of the award’s existence in Ukraine, advertisers and agencies understood and appreciated the prestige of the Effie Awards. The crisis also played into the hands of the award - clients and agencies began to spend their budgets more “wisely”, relying on the effectiveness of their advertising and marketing communications.
At the same time, despite the massive number of applications, a huge number of categories were left without awards at all , and the judges distributed gold and silver extremely sparingly. The most popular category in terms of winners was the “Retail & public services” category, in which 11 advertising campaigns were awarded prizes. The GrandPrix was won by the joint application of BBDOKyiv&TalanCommunications. For the second year in a row, the competition's top award went to Pepsi's integrated campaign. Perhaps it’s time for other brands and agencies to think about submitting integrated campaigns to Effie.
General impression. Traditionally strong, “big-budget” and leading in the number of applications (and, accordingly, awards), the works “Financial & Business services” and “Health & beauty” this year lost the palm to other categories, and the competitive works of these categories brought only two bronzes. The entries in the “Non-alcoholic drinks” category (two bronzes, silver, gold and GrandPrix) and the “Retail & public services” category (three bronzes, seven silver figurines and gold) made a strong statement. Traditionally, the retail category is called the McDonald's category (perhaps this is fair, because out of 7 silver awards, five went to McDonald's).
In general, this year's winners showed an interesting trend - campaigns that offer non-standard communication are increasingly winning. For example, the campaign “Ksenia Sobchak. Accident" for Euroset, which included a viral teaser, promo and television spot, won two gold and one silver. By the way, it was Kinograf who won the title of the most effective advertising agency in Ukraine according to the Effie Awards-2010.
For those who were not at the award ceremony, the list of winners is at effie.org.ua/ru/effie_2010/winners_2010.< br>