Lightboxes are one of the most popular types of outdoor advertising. The soft illumination emanating from advertising stands attracts attention and allows you to clearly see the image. The main purpose of lightboxes is to increase the popularity of the advertised product or brand. This type of outdoor advertising successfully copes with the following tasks:
If you are ready to advertise your company or products in an interesting and high-quality manner, then using lightboxes is the right decision.
It is worth noting that the expected effect of outdoor advertising largely depends on a correctly designed layout. If your ideas are not fully formed or there is no project at all, then the help of a specialist is simply necessary.
The Wolf Internet resource (Kyiv) will help you draw up interesting ideas for advertising your business. Drawing up an advertising project includes the formation of an idea and large-format printing. If you don’t have your own idea for designing a lightbox, then the Design Exchange on the website will help you create an excellent layout. Just register and announce the competition. When completing the layout design, you will be able to make your own adjustments and amendments, choose the best option from those offered on the website, and then pick up the finished project.
Wolf printing house (Kyiv) will systematize your finished layout and also help you implement large-format lightbox printing. For design, Citylight paper is used, which has the necessary characteristics:
When large-format printing, it is imperative to take into account the high resolution of 1080-1440 dpi, which ensures good visibility at a distance of 1-3 meters. You can design layouts for lightboxes on the website, as well as in Kyiv at the address: st. Dovzhenko 3.
High-quality posters, billboards, lightboxes, magazines, business cards and other advertising media are the face of your business, on which the final commercial success depends, so it is better to trust the production of advertising media to a trusted manufacturer. Wolf printing house has been successfully operating in the printing services market since 1995, increasing the level of professionalism every year. On the website of the printing house you will be offered:
Delivery throughout Ukraine is carried out by Nova Poshta. Delivery time is 1-3 days, depending on the region of the country.
20 thousand customers who continue to cooperate, and the long successful work of the Wolf printing house are an excellent reason to order your advertising on wolf .ua.