Finally! Choose the color of the handle on the bag!

Finally! Choose the color of the handle on the bag!


Well, dear friends, we have amazed ourselves again! It seems like we've been making bags for ages, but recently it dawned on us - we can change the color of the lace on the handles!

Yes, yes, you read that right. The package has existed since ancient times, but it only dawned on us a couple of weeks ago that the laces can come in different colors! Wow...

The evolution of our thought:

Package - yes.

Lace - yes.
< /p>

Why not add some color?

That’s how we, real wizards, finally came up with this brilliant idea. Not even 10 years have passed!

Now your packages can be even more stylish and bright. After all, we all know that it is the little things that make our world a better place. And who, if not us, came up with these little things? Therefore, let the color of the lace emphasize your uniqueness and style!

Order our new, improved packages with colored laces right now!

And remember, at Wolf Printing House we always ready to surprise you!

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