Product distribution point: we are looking for partners throughout Ukraine

Product distribution point: we are looking for partners throughout Ukraine


Wolf Printing House is actively developing a network of order pick-up points. Flexibility, convenience, accessibility, cost and efficiency are factors that encourage customers to choose this delivery method. Read more about the benefits for customers and partners in our new article.

Advantages of pick-up points

As important and useful as postal delivery is, expanding delivery options will be highly appreciated by customers and will certainly have a positive impact on sales. Delivery to the pick-up point is free and is often a priority choice. It offers a number of advantages for both the point of issue and the customer:

  • Flexibility. Buyers are asking for flexibility. They want to find a solution that best suits their needs. Which pickup point is closest to your office or home? Or which one is open early in the morning and late in the evening? Pick-up points allow the customer to decide when to pick up the package. He can add it to his “to-do list” and continue with his day without having to stay at home waiting for delivery.
  • Variety. Another important aspect for buyers is choice. The more options there are, the more opportunities there are to find the one that best suits your needs. The fact that there is choice creates a good brand image.
  • Cost. Delivery to pick-up points is free. For small orders, such savings can be significant.
  • No restrictions. For orders with large-format products or large quantities, delivery to a post office may simply not be possible, so a pick-up point becomes a more suitable choice. At the same time, there is no risk that the customer will not receive the order on time if he misses the arrival of the courier at home.

Benefits of working together

Open a product pick-up point in your own office or store quite profitable. Our partner receives an additional flow of potential buyers. In addition:

  • The address of each pick-up point is posted on our official website, pages on social networks and advertising materials. The start of joint work and the opening of an office are promoted through various channels.
  • Our partners place their own orders at special prices with significant discounts, and also save on delivery by Nova Poshta.
  • If necessary, assistance with branding of the premises and printing of advertising materials.

How to open a product distribution point

Most often, our regular clients who have been working for many years, know the rules of work and have an established customer base. To move to a new level of partnership and open a pickup point, you can contact your personal manager. If you are just starting to work with us, you can fill out a form on the website.

“Our clients must receive the highest level of service, so we carefully analyze all requests. Do you have your own premises, appropriate areas for receiving circulation, qualified personnel who can keep records, accept and ship orders. The location of the office and work experience are also important,” says Nadezhda Ozeran, head of the central office.

All partners of Wolf Printing House receive constant support, which allows them to make their work more efficient, increase the number of loyal customers and increase profits. Samples of printing and souvenir products are sent out weekly, as well as ready-made layouts and posts for publication on the website and social networks.

So, product distribution points offer additional options for customers and increase the profitability of the business. We are attentive to the needs of our customers and partners and constantly optimize the quality of service. If you are interested in cooperation, please contact us for detailed information right now!

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