Online orders layouts requirements

  A ready-made layout is a fully prepared for printing file, what requires no content editing, as well as prepress.  

Layout size requirements

  94х54 мм - Размер оригинал-макета. По 2 мм со всех сторон - вылеты (фоном изделия) под обрез

  90х50 мм - Ready-made product size

  86х46 мм - Safe area. The significant elements (logo, text, etc.) should not cross it outlines.

Download template for Adobe Illustrator (*.ai) and Photoshop (*.psd)

Download joboptions - Settings file for Adobe applications

Two-sided layouts requirements

This is how the
vertical layout is being

Important to know and keep in mind:

We accept the files of three types: raster (TIFF, JPEG) and vector (PDF). Product with hybrid spot vanish is accepted only in PDF format.


  1. The colors you see on your computer screen may vary slightly from actual product color. So if you need accurate color reproduction, contact a manager for ordering color proofing;
  2. File size cannot be more than 50 MB;
  3. CMYK color model;
  4. JPEG files: don’t compress;
  5. TIFF files: merge all layers in one, when saving, choose ZIP or LZW compression;
  6. PDF files: all fonts should be embedded in PDF;
  7. The file resolution should be 300 dpi for common orders and 200 dpi for large-format printing;
  8. Layout should not contain crop marks, stamps, creasing or any other non-printable objects;
  9. It is not recommended to use frames around the edge of the layout.

Attention!The result of not meeting the requirements can be unexpected and often unpleasant…

The outline for plotter cutting in the layout is drawn on top of the printed image, only with vector lines (Stroke), Spot color, with the name "shtamp" and the overprint attribute.

The embossing in the layout is drawn on top of the printed image, by vector only, in Spot color, with the name "Tisn" (capitalized) and the overprint attribute.

The hybrid varnish in the layout is drawn on top of the printed image, in Spot color, with the name "Gibrid" (capitalized) and an overprint attribute.

Lak in the layout is drawn on top of the printed image, in Spot color, with the name "Lak" (capitalized) and an overprint attribute. Adds luster to CMYK images. When used on top of silver, it makes it MATH.

White in the layout is drawn on top of the image to be printed, in Spot color, with the color name "White" (capitalized). It is recommended to use white carpet pad under CMYK images for colored and dark design papers, as the ink will be absorbed by the color of the paperboard when printing. For light-colored papers, white under CMYK is not applied.

White+White in the layout is drawn on top of the printed image, in Spot color, with the color name "White" and "White2" (capitalized) with the printing formula White+CMYK+White (provided the two layers of White are not the same, otherwise one layer of White is sufficient).

Silver is drawn in the layout with a Spot color with the name "Silver" (capitalized). Silver can be used as a standalone color, as well as to create metallic patch colors and gradients.

More details on creating layouts with White and Silver can be found here

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